Monday, January 30, 2012

This Morning in the Studio


*All images ©Paul Behnke


ariele @ brooklyn to west said...

Oh my, I am LOVING that bottom painting, Paul! Is that a work in progress still? Those yellow shapes are calling to me. Wonderful.

Paul Behnke said...

Thanks Ariele! Both of these are finished---really glad you like it.

Ravenna Taylor said...

Surprising departure in your imagery, Paul!

Paul Behnke said...

I'm probably too close to the work. I doesn't seem like such a departure to me.

Ann Knickerbocker said...

Love both of these... particularly the "open" wood space in the blue, green and orange work. Very fine!

beth gilfilen said...

liking the new directions!

Paul Behnke said...

Thanks Beth and Ann.